2024-06-05 00:00

DUBAI, UAE, 2024年6月5日 /PRNewswire/ -- Dar Global, the London-listed luxury international real estate developer today unveiled'The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martin'¸ an exquisite new beachfront residential development bringing Aston Martin's renown for ultra-luxury interior design to the highly desirable Al Marjan islands in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.

The Astera, Interiors-by Aston Martin-Location
The Astera, Interiors-by Aston Martin-Location

The AED 900 million project is Aston Martin's first real estate collaboration in the Middle East, building on the successful opening of the Aston Martin Residences in Miami and other high-profile design collaborations in the US and Japan. Set in a pristine location near the highly anticipated Wynn Resort, the new luxury lifestyle destination brings the carmaker's signature blend of sophisticated design and high-performance precision craftsmanship to the property's interiors.

Scheduled for completion by December 2028, the new waterfront property is infused with the spirit of British ingenuity, creating a seamless fusion of bespoke style, cutting-edge materials, meticulous artistry, and unparalleled functionality. Providing the benefits of a secluded private beach, the development offers expansive one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments and three-bedroom villas.

Ziad El Chaar, CEO of Dar Global,said: "The launch ofThe Astera, Interiors by Aston Martin, on Al Marjan Island, furthers our brand vision to curate breathtaking living experiences for our exclusive clientele.

"Combining this iconic British marque's heritage, innovation, and design mastery with Dar Global's expertise in providing exceptional investment opportunities through luxury homes for global citizens demonstrates yet another illustrious chapter in our trajectory to success."

Stefano Saporetti, Director of Brand Diversification at Aston Martin,commented: "The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martincelebrates our partnership with Dar Global, bringing together two ultra-luxury lifestyle organisations with a shared passion for combining traditional craftsmanship with innovation and cutting-edge design.

"Marking Aston Martin's very first real estate collaboration in the Middle East,The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martinprovides an opportunity for our talented designers to help shape the interiors of an unparalleled development in the region, further elevating Aston Martin's brand and applying it to a beachfront lifestyle environment."

Masterfully designed to harmonise with its tranquil surroundings on the majestic Al Marjan island, the new address boasts a range of world-class amenities including access to a private beach, an infinity pool, a scenic walk track, and lush, green communal spaces. An indoor cinema, fitness centre, children's play area, spa, yoga lawn, and multipurpose hall provide additional comforts.

Photo -https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2429854/Dar_Global_1.jpg?p=medium600
Photo -https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2429855/Dar_Global_2.jpg?p=medium600
Photo -https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2429856/Dar_Global_3.jpg?p=medium600

The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martin-Views
The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martin-Views
The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martin
The Astera, Interiors by Aston Martin
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